Thank you to all of those who helped out our volunteer Directors Al Bush and Lloyd Como.
Al wished to honour Cliff Stinson who was a friend to Al, Lloyd Como and the Association with a physical reminder of Cliff and ordinary would not do. Al contacted Lloyd and ideas were bantered around and they decided on the shotgun rack with a memorial plaque.

Now this was not to be an ordinary rack. Al, who has his own mill, considered a significant and imposing design.This is a 42-gun rack! It is about 2.5m long and stands to peak approximately 3.66m – 4.0m In 2010 Al started the designed and harvested local lumber, fir for the supports, and includes white spruce, cedar planks, and a pine ridge board.

The lumber had to dry for at lest 1 year while Al finalized the design and was to eventually donate over 120 hours, the equivalent of 15 eight-hour days, in its construction. Plus Al donated the hardware that was required to assemble “The Rack” as well as the cedar stain by Sikkens which was applied to complete the build and protect it. But where to place it.
Al and Lloyd conferred as space is limited for convenient positioning and a plan was developed. Why not expand the area behind the line with cement blocks, add decorative caps, and infill the space between the decline and the wall. This would provide a solid footing and location.
The WLSA Board was approached with the design, approximate cost and approval was received. Lloyd canvased the local businesses in an attempted to reduce cost and the response was great.
A big thanks to United Concrete, Peterson Contracting and Cariboo Aboriginal Forestry Enterprises for helping make this project happen. A big thanks to Tom Fraser for arranging the the low bed and excavator and running the equipment to do the job.
United Concrete & Gravel Ltd., is 100% BC-owned. We supply topsoil, gravel and concrete in the Cariboo for landscapers, builders, homeowners and commercial clients. In addition to being one of the largest screening and washing plant in the Cariboo, we are also a large volume supplier of quality concrete and screened and crushed products in the area. We provide reliable and quick delivery throughout the year from our Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile House locations.
Cariboo Aboriginal Forestry Enterprises Ltd. (CAFE) is a joint venture between the Tl’esqox (Toosey) and Esk’etemc (Alkali Lake) communities. Tl’esqox is represented by Chilcotin Plateau Enterprises Ltd. and Esk’etemc is represented by Alkali Resource Management Ltd. CAFE is a forest management company responsible for the management of 41,000 hectares of land known as the Chilcotin Training Area located 47 kilometres west of Williams Lake which is owned by Department of National Defence.

No job is too big or too small, take on and excel at many different types of construction work in widely varying scopes. Throughout our history we have shown the ability to understand the core issues of projects and to work well with project owners to meet project deadlines and goals.
A round of applause to our commercial supporters and remember to support local, it is your neighbours and friends who are there, like you, making a living.
On May 08 2021 work commenced. Foundation was prepared, blocks laid, levelled, capped and infill was added.Al used his truck for numerous runs to get the required fill.

Present were Al Bush, Lloyd Como, Bill Abercrombie and Jim Lockhart.
Work was completed over a couple of days with a fantastic product, sure to remain in the memory of anyone attending any event.

Plans are being made for further improvements to “The Rack” for lighting, maybe some mood music would be nice.
The dedication and official opening of “The Rack” is to follow.