1935 December

Williams Lake Rod and Gun Club

The first version of the club was formalized in December 1935, when the Cariboo Game and Fish Protective Association was started. D. Sinclair chaired the first meeting on December 14 at the Lakeview Hotel, and was elected president. H.w. Mainguy became Vice-President, E.G. Woodland, Secretary/Treasurer, with Percy Ogden, Paul Smith, E. Gibbon, Newt Clair and George Lutz, directors. Its purpose was to protect the fishery and wildlife. Other members at that first meeting were R.I. Walters, L. Jobin, F. Lembke, Dr. English and Ken Matthews

1936 November 11

Williams Lake Rod and Gun Club

In 1936 the community had its first turkey shoot on November 11. The prizes were big live turkeys, and the object was to win a bird and take it home to fatten up for Christmas. Indoor shoots with .22 rifles were planned for December 21 and 29 in the Elks Hall.

1945 February 16

Williams Lake Rod and Gun Club

Fishing and hunting enthusiasts banded together again in 1945, when “18 persons interested in hunting, fishing and wildlife” met February 16 to form the Fish and Game Association. Major Hart chaired the meeting” and N. Schroeder became president, H. Mainguy, Vice-president, F. Exshaw, secretary/treasurer and J. Johnson, E.G. Woodland, H. Gardner, O.J. Simons, K. Rife, and E.B. Hart executive members. Membership was $1, and the first priority was to clear up the water in Williams Lake.

Jan 20 2025 AGM, - 7 pm at Club House --- Sat Feb 01 2025 Wild Game Banquet