Club House Renovations


Recently the Board of Director authorized the repair and painting of the Club House after an earlier assessment by Director Lloyd Como and Director Dave Corless found issues with the building. Of importance was the side windows that had a serious rot condition and that the siding was in dire need of a serious coat of paint, it was drier than a politicians promise. Also a review of Association structures found a disconnect in building colouring portraying a disorganized appearance It was decided to obviously repair anything that was needed and repaint the Club House to match the other structures. This had been done prior to covid-19, so covid-19 and circumstance caused some delay and it was not until August 2020 that the task could be undertaken.

The siding was drier than a politician’s promise

Painting bids were received and it was decided that “Man About the House” would receive the contract and the job was to start right after any repairs were made.

At the end of the building it was found that there was extensive rot damage to the window sills requiring immediate repair. So in the later part of August 2020 both Directors undertook the task.

Once that was completed “Man About the House” arrived and started the to repaint with a quality paint.

The apex getting a couple of coats of white paint.

While the Club House was being painted, Loyd and Dave had to start the construction of the concrete ramp at the back. (See other article)

Oh, by the way, the paint is by Benjamin Moore and the colour is called Sundried Tomatoe if you were wondering.

Jan 20 2025 AGM, - 7 pm at Club House --- Sat Feb 01 2025 Wild Game Banquet