2005 August – Newsletter


2005 August – Newsletter

Hello to all WLSA members. I hope you are taking the time this spring to enjoy your favourite outdoor activities. I know I have been, hence the tardiness of this newsletter.

The club has been busy with a number of activities. The archers had another successful shoot in May, and many of them have been attending shoots around the region. Our delegates attended the BCWF convention in Naniamo this spring, including Amanda Berkelaar who was the regional youth delegate. The Conservation Officers presented the new Report a Poacher and Polluter program to the club in March, and Cariboo Mountain Holidays presented their
environmental management program to the club in April. A number of members participated in the spring workbee. Thanks to Wayne Biffert, Steve Capling and Corky Berkelaar for attending the spring workbee, and to Gerry Lucas for loaning tools to do some of this work. Thanks also to Al Bush for working on the range with his bobcat.

One of the issues coming up which the executive would like to hear from the membership on is the decision by WLAP to end the open season for immature bulls in the Cariboo Region. Previously the club had opposed the opening of this season on the grounds that it would result in a reduction of LEH draws for the region. This has recently been confirmed by WLAP as what would have happened had the immature bull season continued. That coupled with the
threats of road blockades by first nations that would affect all users of the back country, is the rationale for the club maintaining its position against re-opening the immature bull season in this region. However, other clubs have stated that the general club membership does support the immature bull season. Let the executive know where you stand on this issue so we can best represent the club membership. You can attend a regular meeting, leave a note at the web site forum, leave a voice mail on the club phone, or contact a club director.

Douglas Hill, President

ALSO in that newsletter was:

• August 20th, 1PM – Public Fisheries
Management Meeting
• September 12th – Next Executive
• September 19th – Next Regular

Issues discussed at the executive meetings in June of 2005 included:
• Caribou Recovery Planning – draft plan awaiting approval in Victoria; 3 regional plans are all quite different from each other; may be too onerous
for logging companies. Roy has a copy if anyone is interested.
• Range – work to be done; rented to a number of agencies in June
• CORE – just finished a class of 19 students
• Web Page – Barry and Judy to do the electronic calendar updates
• Fundraising – a proposal to make money by collecting donated antlers for sale to US hobby market
• Membership Drive – range “shoot-in” proposed to generate memberships in late August; other groups could also participate.

•Archery – concern that cadets were cutting trees on archery lease lands;
Discussed proposal for new archery trophy.
• JOP – new targets are on order (funds raised to pay for them by JOP); looking into getting a container for storage.
Big Creek Park Plan – background report on the park is done and seems to reflect club input.

Issues discussed at the executive
meetings in July of 2005 included:
• Letter of support for woodlot
• Range drainage improvements
• Handgun range expansion options
• Blackpowder and sporting clay options
• Hall rental info for web site
• Basement lighting & exit signs
• Building maintenance
• Funding applications
• Newsletter
• Range “shoot-in” membership drive & open house