DEER (Index)

Deer - Mule - Junior - Archery

RECORD HOLDER – 2007 – Elmer Silva 163 5/8

Donated By: ???
Conditions of Award: Largest entered, taken in in the Province of BC. Scored by Boone and Crockett Rules. Only club members in good standing and abiding by Trophy Competition Rules are eligible.

2019Ty Thurow 123 7/8123 7/8
2013Devon Hill 118 7/8118 7/8
2007Elmer Silva 163 5/8163 5/8
2005Tyler Slavens 155 1/8155 1/8
2004John Lee 19 9/1619 9/16
2003Darwin Yuill 81 1/881 1/8
2000Lance MacDonald 108 7/8108 7/8

Deer - Mule - Junior

RECORD HOLDER – 2015 – Kyle Gysel 166 4/8

 Donated By: Howie’s Sporthouse.
Conditions of Award: Largest entered, taken in Region #5. Scored by Boone and Crockett Rules: Only club members in good standing and abiding by Trophy Competition Rules are elegible.

2021Mesa Slavens 29 4/829 4/8
2020Nicholass Gysel 87 6/887 6/8
2019Nicholaas Gysel 140 4/8″140 1/2
2016Bryden Feeley 125 3/8″123.38
2015Kyle Gysel 166 4/8166 1/2
2014Kyle Gysel 144 3/8144 3/8
2013Kyle Gysel 131131
2007Eric Berkelaar 77 5/877 5/8
2006Wesley Rissanen 71 4/871 1/2
2005Cody Manuel 105 1/8105 1/8
2004John Lee 157 1/8157 1/8
2003Justin Zinser 141 1/8141 1/8
2000Dustin Chevigny 9191
1999Mellissa Coates 2626
1998Jeffrey Jasper 121121
1997Jeffrey Jasper 122 1/8122 1/8
1996Jeffrey Jasper 116 5/8116 5/8
1993Tyler Slavens 129 4/8129 1/2
1992Leigh Jenkins 102 7/8102 7/8
1991Nathan Wong 136 3/8136 3/8
1990Tyler Slavens 28 7/828 7/8
1989Tyler Slavens 117117
1986Reg Gilmore Jr. 148 4/8148 1/2
1985Edward D’Andrea 122 4/8122 1/2
1984Nino Calabrese 28 7/828 7/8
1983Robert John Wayne Plumb 143 7/8143 7/8
1979Kirk Rodgers 106 5/8106 5/8

Deer - Mule -Typical - Archery

RECORD HOLDER – 1999 – Daryl Burcholtz 176 4/8

Donated By: ???
Conditions of Award: Largest entered, taken in in the Province of BC. Scored by Boone and Crockett Rules. Only club members in good standing and abiding by Trophy Competition Rules are eligible.

2023Michelle Lavoie 121 7/8121 7/8
2022Lee Jackman97
2021Fred Streleoff 95 1/8
95 1/8
2000Darryl Buchholtz 135 1/8
135 1/8
1999Daryl Buchholtz 176 4/8
176 4/8
1998Gordon Gillette 133 1/8133 1/8

Deer - Mule - Non-Typical

RECORD HOLDER – 1998  –  Dan Mobbs 220 3/8

 Donated by: Palle Henriksen
Conditions of Award: Largest entered, taken in Region #5. Scored by Boone and Crockett Rules. Only club members in good standing and abiding by Trophy Competition Rules are eligible.

2023Travis Morton 141 141
2019Lorrine Jasper 170 4/8″170 1/2
2015Kaylyn Chevigny 169 6/8169 3/4
2007Rick Wilde 144 6/8144 3/4
2005Cody Manuel 105 2/8105 1/4
2004Al Bush 187 6/8187 3/4
2003Rob Lewis 165 1/8165 1/8
2000Gerry Lucas 19 5/819 5/8
1999Dennis Wilders 172 5/8172 5/8
1998Daryl Buchholtz 190 1/8190 1/8
1997Laurie Riedel 181 4/8181 1/2
1996Patrick Jasper 158 5/8158 5/8
1995Roy Slavens 169 3/8169 3/8
1993Al Bush 170 7/8170 7/8
1992Barry Jenkins 148 3/8148 3/8
1991Rick Paquette 158 5/8158 5/8
1990Gary Oliver 166 1/8166 1/8
1989Lionel Railton 136 4/8136 1/2
1988Dan Mobbs 220 3/8220 3/8
1987Glen Kuenzl 172 3/8172 3/8
1984Daryl Bucholtz 210 5/8210 5/8

Deer - Mule - Typical - Ladies

RECORD HOLDER – 2018-  Michelle Iverson 164 “

Donated by: Barbara and Gerry Lucas
Conditions of Award: Largest entered, taken in Region #5. Scored by Boone and Crockett Rules. Only club members in good standing and abiding by Trophy Competition Rules are eligible

2023Nicole Morton152 3/8
2022Michelle Iverson128 1/8
2021Katharine Vanspall 166 2/8166 2/8
2019Roxanne Bamrick 118 1/8″118 1/8
2018Michelle Iverson 164 “164
2018Michelle Iverson 164 “164
2017Roxanne Bambrick 129 2/8129 1/4
2016Charmaine Chaffee 96 1/8 “96 1/8
2015Cynthia Brignall 156 6/8156 3/4
2015Cynthia Brignall 156 6/8156 3/4
2014Gina Alexander 153 7/8153 7/8
2013Tabby Reid 159 1/8159 1/8
2013Tabby Reid 159 1/8159 1/8
2007Dena Gysel 121 7/8121 7/8
2006Jamie MacPherson 32 7/832 7/8
2005Kerstin Slavens 154 1/8154 1/8
2004Katherine Vanspall 120 2/8120 1/4
2002Charlene Rissanen – 30 4/830 1/2
2001Charlene Rissanen – 30 4/830 1/2

Deer - Mule - Typical

RECORD HOLDER – 1999 –  John Bujold 194 5/8

Donated by: Moe and Donna Monita
Conditions of Award: Largest entered, taken in Region #5. Scored by Boone and Crockett Rules. Only club members in good standing and abiding by Trophy Competition Rules are eligible.

2023Lloyd Como 145145
2022Kyle Williston165 3/8
2021Tyler Slavens 136 /8136 /8
2020Lloyd Comeau 131 7/8131 7/8
2019Wayne Biffert 86 2/8″86 1/4
2017Ming Wong 159 2/8159 1/4
2016Kyle Gysel 164″164
2015Michael Wilson 165 5/8165 5/8
2015Dylan Meldrum 164 2/8164 1/4
2014Rob Gordon 161 6/8161 3/4
2013Fred Streleoff 169 5/8169 5/8
2013Al Campsall 126 6/8126 3/4
2007Al Campsall 81 2/881 1/4
2005Al Campsall 79 5/879 5/8
2004Al Campsall 86 6/886 3/4
2003Pat Jasper 141 1/8141 1/8
2003Al Campsall 47 3/847 3/8
2002Wilf Mulvahill 169 4/8169 1/2
2002Daryl Fitzpatrick 142 4/8142 1/2
2001Moe Monita 175 7/8175 7/8
2001Daryl Buchholtz 138 3/8138 3/8
2000Gary Westerman 173173
1999Bob Coates 163 3/8163 3/8
1998Rob Lewis 181 1/8181 1/8
1997Will Mulvahill 161 6/8161 3/4
1996Moe Monita 146 4/8146 1/2
1995Tyler Slavens 149 2/8149 1/4
1994William Mulvahill 178 3/8178 3/8
1993Ming Wong 170 6/8170 3/4
1992Bob Coates 172 5/8172 5/8
1991Daryl Bucholtz 171 2/8171 1/4
1990Daryl Bucholtz 178 4/8178 1/2
1989Daryl Bucholtz 185 1/8185 1/8
1988Daryl Bucholtz 173 2/8173 1/4
1987Bob Bifford 178 1/8178 1/8
1986Ron Ackerson 183 5/8183 5/8
1985Daryl Bucholtz 165 7/8165 7/8
1984John Bujold 194 5/8194 5/8
1983Reinhold Hagedern 166 2/8166 1/4
1982Palle Henriksen 162 4/8162 1/2
1981Carlo Bellizia 187 5/8187 5/8
1980Carlo Bellizia 171171
1979Jerry Anderson 164 5/8164 5/8
1978Art Long 108108
1977Ron Riedel 148 3/8148 3/8
1976Ray Inscho 159 1/8159 1/8
1975Art Long 161 1/8161 1/8

Deer - Mule - Velvet

RECORD HOLDER – 2017  – Kyle Gysel 152 3/8

Donated by:???
Conditions of Award: Largest entered, taken in the Province of BC. Scored by Boone and Crockett Rules. Only club members in good standing and abiding by Trophy Competition Rules are eligible.

2017Kyle Gysel 152 3/8152 3/8

Deer - Whitetail

RECORD HOLDER – 1999 – Gordon Gillette 154 6/8

Donated by: Herves General Contracting (H. Verhaeghe)
Conditions of Award: Largest entered and taken in the Province of BC. Scored by Boone and Crockett Rules. Only club members in good standing and abiding by Trophy Competition Rules are eligible.

2023Nicole Morton 86 3/8″86 3/8
2020Ming Wong 117 3/8117 3/8
2000Pat Jasper 27 4/827 1/2
1999Gordon Gillette 154 6/8154 3/4
1998Tyler Slavens 44 3/844 3/8
1997Jack Butler 73 1/873 1/8
1996Jack Butler 101 5/8101 5/8
1995Ryan Corbin 51 2/851 1/4
1994Walter Schmidt 126 4/8126 1/2
1994Walter Schmidt 126 4/8126 1/2
1993Rick Paquette 121 4/8121 1/2
1993Rick Paquette 121 4/8121 1/2
1992Rick Paqette 15 5/815 5/6

Deer - Whitetail - Archery

RECORD HOLDER – 2013 – Lee Jackman 75


2021Fred Streleoff 141 6/8141 6/8
2013Lee Jackman 7575
2013Danny Cooper 165165

Jan 20 2025 AGM, - 7 pm at Club House --- Sat Feb 01 2025 Wild Game Banquet