Moose Solutions – Meeting Report


Executive Summary
Submitted by: Lorne Barron

On April 1 & 2, 2019, Indigenous and Provincial representatives in the Cariboo-Chilcotin co-hosted a Moose Solutions Roundtable including perspectives from guides, resident hunters, trappers and forestry companies. (Ranchers have been involved in discussions to date but were not able to attend due to the time of year.) The meeting built upon an inaugural exploratory session held in December 2018.

The 1.5 day meeting had ~55 attendees, and many others attended who were invited but unable to attend. Most attendees participated on the second day, about half participated in both days, ans a few were only able to stay for a portion … Non-governmental participants included … Williams Lake Sportsmen’s Association.

Meeting Summary Moose Solutions Roundtable, April 1-2 2019 Page 5

The aim of the meeting was to review and approve draft Terms of Reference for the Roundtable, provide population and habitat assessment updates, identify shared solutions and actions, and seek consensus on next steps. Involvement in discussions was solutions-focussed among those with direct interests in moose recovery and management.

Key Themes:

  1. Moose are a common concern and responsibility and declines in the population have made it even more important to find common ground and implement solutions. The Moose Solutions Roundtable (MSR) is an important forum for identifying and recommending actions.
  2. The Terms of Reference for the Moose Solutions Roundtable was accepted in principle with minor revisions. The Roundtable is now established under the strategic direction of a Joint Leadership Group. A Planning Group will undertake the detailed work of the MSR.
  3. The Moose Solutions Roundtable reached consensus on 3 top priority solutions for immediate effort and action for moose recovery and management. These are:
    • Plan and undertake access management, especially for non-status roads, combined with forest licensee road deactivation and habitat restoration.
    • Develop a multi-faceted and integrated approach to understanding and addressing
    predator impacts on prey while also improving habitat. There is a strong desire for timely action on reducing impacts from predators.
    • Enhance population assessment methods to include Indigenous and local data sources
    and develop common and accessible information platform to inform decisions.
  4. Within the next 12 months, these priority solutions should be trialed in a sub-area of Region 5 to maximize opportunities for monitoring, learning and adapting. Management Unit 5-13 was proposed.
  5. Cumulative effects, assessments for all wildlife, habitat restoration and better use of
    legislative/regulatory tools all need to be key components of action planning. While focusing on moose, we need a “vision for wildlife” in the region.

    Specific Next Steps:
    • The Joint Leadership Group will establish the Roundtable and Participating Organizations will identify their representatives for the Planning Group. TOR refinements will be approved asap.
    • Planning Group will advance specific actions on the 3 priority solutions at their next meeting.
    • Consideration may be given to have another large MSR meeting prior to summer to further advance actions.
    • This meeting summary will be prepared and available publicly.

    Thank you to T’exelc and Northern Secwepemc for hosting us in their ancestral lands and especially Chief Willie Sellars for the welcome.

    Thank you also to Cecil Grinder for the opening ceremony and Elder Joan Palmantier Gentles for the prayers and guidance throughout the session.