Concrete Ramp Added


If you have been around the back of the club house recently you will have noticed an improvement to the ramp area, it is now a large stable concrete platform.

This is where we started

This started during a Board discussion on mobility access to the club house when the meetings had to be held in the lower level. The current ramp was inadequate for mobility access and a review was conducted. Ideally the single door would would have been best but door dimensions just did not work, so that only left the double doors.
Current wooden ramp was inadequate for mobility access and a concern for all when it rained. Directors Lloyd Como and Dave Corless under took the Board approved improvement.

Levelling up
The pour begins
All hands on deck

Again covid-19 delayed work until early September and had to be co-ordinated with the building repair and painting.

Dave and Lloyd prepared the area, framed and reinforced it with re-bar. Concrete was purchased from United Concrete with a delivery date a couple days away, then Dave got the call, it was available now. Fortunately Lloyd and Dave were available and were off and running and when Don delivered the concrete. Additional help was called and with Ted Matoga’s assistance, someone had to lean on a shovel, the pore and set proceed well.

As you will see we now have a nice large stable textured platform for mobility access and serves as an equipment ramp as well.

Thanks to Lloyd and Dave, their contribution of knowledge and labour the WLSA was able to afford a significant improvement.

Please consider serving as a Director, we need young Directors to succeed in the future or let us know if you might be available to assist on future projects as they come up. You always have the option of declining.